Hospital OPD runs six days a week (Sunday - Friday). Registration for OPD opens from 8:30 AM till 2:00 PM and examination begins at 9:00. For ease of patients, token system has been introduced. The patient gets a token upon arrival and waits for his/her turn while enjoying TV shows in spacious well furnished waiting hall. After registration the patient moves on to OPD hall where another token is provided for OPD examination. The consultant ophthalmologist in OPD after thorough examination prescribes patients with necessary medications/glasses. Patients requiring further treatment/investigation are referred to other subspecialty clinics accordingly.
OPD is the most crowded area in the hospital. NEH OPD handles around 500 patients every day, with over 600 patients on Sundays.
Registration Fee:
General OPD (8:30 AM - 2:00 PM) - New Registration: NRs. 100.00, Old Registration: NRs. 80.00
Private OPD (9:00 AM - 2:30 PM) NRs. 350.00
Nepal Eye Hospital boasts of 99 bed in-patient ward. Patients undergoing surgeries are admitted in the In-patient ward for further management. Different room facilities like general, semi private, day care and cabin are available as per patient preferences. However, with todays advance technologies patient coming for cataract surgery at NEH does not require to stay overnight.
The hospital Operation Theatre has recently been renovated/upgraded to meet WHO standards. The hospital at present operates 6 fully functional Operation Theaters equipped with latest state of the art operating microscopes, surgical equipment and instruments.
Diabetes is one of the most common diseases to affect the retina. The increasing number of diabetic patients has also resulted in increase in the patients in retina clinic. Due to the enourmous flow of patient seeking Retina services the Retina Clinic has been operating all days of the week (Sunday - Friday). NEH OT is equipped with Vitrectomy Machine from Alcon, USA for Vitreoretinal Surgeries and investigation department is furnished with latest OCT, Green Laser and Fundus Photography for Retinal Diagnoses.
Glaucoma clinic runs 6 days a week (Sunday - Friday). The hospital recently added Supra 810 Laser from Quantel Medical, France for Glaucoma Treatment. The hospital has latest version of OCT and Humphrey for Glaucoma Diagnosis.
Orbit and Occulplasty Clinic runs two days a week on Tuesday and Friday. All kind of oculoplastic surgeries are performed in the hospital.
The hospital has provision of separate Pediatric OPD for patients under age 14. The Paediatric and Squint Clinic runs on all weekdays. Pediatric patient with squint can undergo squint correction surgery at Nepal Eye Hospital.
Cornea clinic runs on every Sunday. Cornea clinic of the hospital is equipped with Slit Lamp with Video Recording and Photography features. The hospital plans to introduce Corneal Transplantation in the near future.
The orthopitcs clinic runs on all working days. The clinic has provision for various eye exercises to treat lazy eye along with various test like Goldman, Stereoacuity, Color Vision, Visual Function, and Squint Workup.
The hospital provides consultation for patient with low vision patients along with provision of low vision on demand.
The contact lens clinic in the hospital provides service on all working days. Besides, the hospital provides contact lenses at a reasonable price with better patient counseling and training.
The Investigation department of the hospital is equipped with latest state of the art diagnostic equipments like OCT, Fundus Photography, FFA, Humphrey, B Scan, Goldman, Biometry, Pachymetry, Optical Biometry, Air Puff Tonometry, Auto Refractometer
The hospital houses a modern full functional Pathology lab. Besides, providing pathological test services to surgery bound patients of the hospital the lab provides service to general public as well.
The Hospital has provision of in house Optical Shop and Medical Dispensary for the patients. The Optical provides quality eye glasses to patients at an reasonable/affordable cost.
NEH library is housed in a spacious, air-conditioned hall, adequate seating furniture and book shelves. In addition, separate audio-visual room and reading room is available. The NEH library is well-equipped with computers and audio-visual facilities including research room overhead and side Internet facility is also available. Other facilities such as photocopying, printing are provided on need-basis.
The NEH library has an excellent collection of books and journals relating to clinical and community ophthalmology. At present, there are around 1,500 books, 3 regular journals, a number of irregular issues and more than 1000 old issues of various journals. This number is still growing. Further, the Library has CDs/DVDs, video cassettes and slides for the benefit of its members. 5 daily newspapers are also available to help the Doctor, staff and students be up-to-date with general events.